Candidate for Messiest Work Area

The Synth-DIY list had an informal contest for the messiest workarea. Mine might not be the worst, but I think it is respectably chaotic. It's in the garage. These pictures are about a year old.

Toxic waste dump under the bench

That's og2 (incomplete) sitting on top of some boxes of books

Looking straight on to my main workbench

The right side of my workbench

The left side of my workbench

Underneath my workbench. That's the original OGEE synth built in the early 80's. It's been gutted

More under the workbench

To the right I have my old Peavey PA

Actually right now I have this 36" rack cabinet sitting on top of one set of the Peavey speakers. I use the mixer and one set of speakers to play my guitar through.