Lockbox Synth Sound Samples

Pictures at an Exhibition
VCO1 on sawtooth, VCO2 on PWM pulse 1 octave higher, lowpass filter with high resonance, touch of glide. This is a synth solo from ELP's Pictures at an Exhibition.
Trinagle with FM vibrato and glide
VCO1 and VCO2 on triangle with a touch of FM vibrato running through the BandPass filter with medium resonance.
S&H with Ring Modulator
Sample & Hold from Pink noise. Ring Modulator output with VCO1 on Sine and VCO2 on square.
Sampled LFO through BandPass
Sample & Hold sampling triangle wave from LFO. VCO1 and VCO2 set to Saw, with VCO1 sync'd to VCO2. Run through BandPass filter with high resonance, sweeping the corner frequency manually.

©2002 Scott Bernardi